

20 Feb 2012

False nuclear fears cloud judgment on Iran

"A rational approach to preventing proliferation could avoid thousands of unnecessary deaths."

A non-hysterical approach to the Iran nuclear issue is entirely possible.

Iran would most likely “use” any nuclear capacity in the same way all other nuclear states have: for prestige (or ego-stoking) and to deter real or perceived threats. The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : False nuclear fears cloud judgment on Iran

The popular notion that nuclear weapons furnish a country with the capacity to “dominate” its area has little or no historical support.

 If Iran wants to develop a nuclear weapon, the only way it can be effectively stopped is invasion and occupation, an undertaking that would make America's costly war in Iraq look like child's play. Indeed, because it can credibly threaten invaders with another and worse Iraq, Iran scarcely needs nuclear weapons to deter invasion.

The author concludes by stating "I have nothing against making non-proliferation a high priority. I would simply like to top it with a somewhat higher priority: avoiding militarily aggressive actions under the obsessive sway of worst-case scenario fantasies ..."

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