

19 Mar 2012

Water transport imperatives

"Inland Water Transport (IWT) for passenger and freight movement involves lower operating costs and environmental pollution than for road, rail or air options. It could relieve pressure on the other modes, which face their own constraints. "

The Hindu : Opinion / Editorial : Water transport imperatives:   In India only 0.15 per cent of domestic surface transport is accounted for by IWT.  The reasons are many, but include, most significantly, lack of investment for the creation of infrastructure modernisation and lack of efficient operators.

India needs to study the viability and means to attract more investment to the sector, by creating an institutional framework. The enhanced level of involvement of the private sector in IWT that has now been initiated is a welcome step. More waterways should be identified for development, and those earmarked given a push.

IWT should power the growth of the economy.

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