"Prime Minister Viktor Orban is using his powers to impose a regressive agenda"
The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : The sound of jackboots, Hungary style: Only eight years after ending communist rule and joining EU, Hungary, from its first avatar as the European Coal and Steel Community, is marching back to quasi-Fascism or worse, in a development of the very kind the EU was intended to prevent.
The new Hungarian constitution almost certainly breach the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and the separate European Convention on Human Rights. Yet the EU looks helpless over flagrant transgressions by a member state. Its only elected body, the European Parliament, remains deafeningly silent.
If the EU cannot deal robustly with its own errant members, then its citizens could soon hear the jackboots echoing a long way west of the Danube.
The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : The sound of jackboots, Hungary style: Only eight years after ending communist rule and joining EU, Hungary, from its first avatar as the European Coal and Steel Community, is marching back to quasi-Fascism or worse, in a development of the very kind the EU was intended to prevent.
The new Hungarian constitution almost certainly breach the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and the separate European Convention on Human Rights. Yet the EU looks helpless over flagrant transgressions by a member state. Its only elected body, the European Parliament, remains deafeningly silent.
If the EU cannot deal robustly with its own errant members, then its citizens could soon hear the jackboots echoing a long way west of the Danube.