

14 Jan 2012

Pushing the boundaries of magnetic storage

"Researchers at IBM have stored and retrieved digital 1s and 0s from an array of just 12 atoms, pushing the boundaries of the magnetic storage of information to the edge of what is possible."
The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Pushing the boundaries of magnetic storage

Until now, the most advanced magnetic storage systems have needed about 1 million atoms to store a digital 1 or 0. The new achievement is the product of a heated international race between two elite physics laboratories to explore the properties of magnetic materials at a far smaller scale.

"The information storage side of this is fantastic, but this truly changes our ideas of the behaviour of materials at molecular levels."

1 comment:

  1. Amazing read...
    I know IBM sets apart from others in terms of research...
    But this is something far beyond what I had imagined...

    I loved it....

    Give them three cheers, please....!!!!


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