

29 Jan 2012

Dealing with Pakistan's fears on water

"The best reassurance that Pakistan can have is full Indian compliance with the provisions of the Indus Waters Treaty."

There is, in Pakistan as in India, a growing perception of water scarcity and of a crisis looming on the horizon. Given the mutual hostility between the two countries, it is not surprising that there is a tendency in Pakistan to believe that the scarcity it is experiencing or fearing is partly attributable to upper riparian actions. The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : Dealing with Pakistan's fears on water.

While popular perceptions in this regard may not be based on proper information and understanding, a ready inference would be that there must be diversions in the upstream country. Denials by the upper riparian (India) are apt to be received with scepticism.

The only answer to this is to institute a joint study by experts of both countries to determine whether in fact there is a trend of reduced flows in the western rivers and, if so, to identify the factors responsible.

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