

31 Jan 2012

It's a hazy view from the government's trenches

"The ‘age row' reflects historical developments in civil-military relations."

The current impasse reflects certain related but distinct trends. The military sees itself as superior to society in terms of values that it inculcates and espouses. In reality, it is no longer detached from politics, including manipulating processes. On the civilian side, there are equally disconcerting trends, including a lack of appreciation of the needs of the military. The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : It's a hazy view from the government's trenches

The solution suggested by military opinion, particularly retirees who can speak more openly than those in uniform, is to reduce civilian control by the introduction of a Joint Chiefs of Staff, who would be the de-facto commander-in-chief of the military with an impact on the role of the Ministry of Defence in civil-military relations. 

A good starting point for improving civil-military relationship will be to carefully review the material that deals with civil-military relations in the staff colleges, and use case studies, including the present ‘age row' and from abroad, to shape principles and processes of civil-military relations appropriate for us.

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