

4 Feb 2012

Needed Urgently: An Education Revolution

Needed Urgently: An Education Revolution

"The results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009+ test, which Indian students from Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu took, are an indication of the abysmal state of our education system."

If India is to be counted as a developed nation, it will have to undergo, at first, an education revolution.

-The Times of India, February 4, 2012 

1 comment:

  1. poor kanti bajpai is mere an infant!
    world education (world population) in 21st century is already REVOLUTIONISED since world famous alone is educated in 21st century,declares none else but 21st century which began with destruction of twin towers in new york!
    kanti bajpai must now learn how to watch 21st century!
    barrister mk gandhi was a mere qualified but self created true education and later super education transformed him into The Mahatma Gandhi!
    harvard law graduate barack h. obama was a mere qualified yet self created true education and later super education transformed him into The Prez Obama...and hence, if and when initiated into ABC of super education, Malia Obama,in 2023-24,will be the FIRST woman Prez of United States of America!
    dear kanti, you need to do some more R&D coz then alone, you will learn exactly why Dr. Kalam is SUPER EDUCATION PERSONIFIED... and also why he is the only one on earth who deserves an apology from White House, Washington DC after frisking at JFK airport, new york!remember?!
    Super Education alone causes world championship in any subject, any field and any area/sector worldwide!
    All else, even PhD worldwide, is mere qualification, NOT education which in 21st century causes world fame... and this explains the root cause of dropout-phenomenon in the lives of Bill Gates and Mark Zukerberg and Steve Jobs etc.etc.
    Education,costlier than Diamond Kohinoor,must be EARNED, NOT 'GIVEN'...and this explains why The Swami Vivekananda did not RETURN even after passage of more than a centuryand this means that super educated ones can't be created, they HAPPEN!Even Harvard failed in creating Bill Gates - richest person on earth for consequtive 14 years!
    Arzun was created by dronacharya who could/did not create Eklavya!
    remember padmashri awards for ms dhoni/bhazzi?!
    both of them preferred their performances above padamshri...and were absent in Rashtrapati Bhawan!Being educated i.e.world famous both did not NEED it!
    Mere qualified ones need it badly!!!
    - VISHAL MOHAN KHARE, creator of super education - omnipotent knowledge product!


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